Latest In Gardening

Growing Lavender

Growing lavender is an easy thing to do once you have an established lavender plant.…

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Being able to grow and cultivate your own edible garden is a worthwhile gardening endeavor! While you can grow a variety of ornamental flowers, plants, and foliage for the appearance they contribute to your landscape, there is something special about gardening when you are growing edibles.

Gardening for Beginners


Are you new to gardening? You may be interest in checking out gardening for beginners! There you will be introduced to (1) things you can garden, (2) different methods of gardening, and (3) gardening tips for beginners. In this way, you can get ideas about what to grow and which gardening method will work best for you and your gardening space.

Container Gardening


This gardening section started out as an indoor container gardening project. However, with container gardening, you can garden indoors or outdoors. You can start some of your plants, fruits, or vegetables indoors and then move them outdoors when weather conditions or ideal. This is one of the many beauties of container gardening! If you like container gardening, stay-tuned for some unique gardening tips and ideas.

What To Plant In Winter?!

In the winter, you can start container gardening. My two recommendations for fall and winter gardening are learning how to grow bok choy from seed and learning how to grow spinach from seed. They are both fast-growing leafy green vegetables that produce a high yield. You can cut the yummy leafy greens and they will continue to grow again. You can add the bok choy or spinach to eat in soups and salads or sauté them for a side dish. You can also peruse a list of what to plant in fall or what to plant in winter.


Nutrients Required for Plant Growth


When gardening, you will eventually learn all about some of the nutrients required for plant growth. Most potting soil mixes will already have the nutrients required for plant growth. Therefore, when learning gardening for beginners, it makes container gardening an easy place to start.
