Using a DIY face toner in your DIY face care routine can be a very beneficial step. A traditional face toner is often alcohol-based and often only used by people with oily skin and/or people with acne prone skin. However, unlike traditional face toner, the DIY facer toner recipes are not alcohol-based. The DIY face toner is customized for each skin type. Therefore, they are prepared with different active ingredients based on the individual needs for your skin type. With different formulas, the DIY face toners are beneficial and gentle enough for all skin types. Choose the DIY face toner for your skin type to learn more about the active ingredients.



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How to Use Face Toner

  1. Start by cleaning the skin with a DIY face wash.
  2. Next, rinse the used face wash off your skin.
  3. Then, gently pat your face dry with a soft cloth.
  4. Now you can apply the DIY Face Toner.
  5. If a DIY Face Scrub or a DIY Face Pack is used, the face toner should be applied afterwards.

Normal Skin

The DIY face toner for normal skin can be applied in 1 of 2 ways. It can be spritzed on your face like a cool refreshing mist, or it can be rubbed on your face using a cotton ball or cotton pad. The mist will deliver the skin nourishing astringent properties provided by the DIY face toner while rubbing can also help to rub away oil and dirt.

Mature Skin

The DIY face toner for mature skin can be sprayed or rubbed into the skin. With mature skin, it may be best to spray the toner on your skin. When a mist is sprayed on your face, this cool, refreshing spray can tighten your skin and deliver other beneficial anti-aging ingredients to the skin. Just let the face toner air dry. When rubbed on the skin, start applying the DIY face toner from the chin and always rub in an upward direction to discourage sagging skin.

Dry Skin

With dry skin, dead skin cells are often abundant. Therefore, rubbing the DIY face toner for dry skin on your face with a cotton pad is recommended. In this way, you can use this astringent to wipe away more dead skin cells as you clarify and refresh the skin with nourishing benefits provided in the face toner.

Acne Prone Skin

If your skin is free and clear of blemishes, rubbing the DIY face toner for acne prone skin will give you an opportunity to rub away residual bacteria, oil, or dirt. In this way, you can apply the moisturizing serum to fresh, clean skin. If you are currently experiencing a mild acne outbreak, you can spray a mist of the DIY face toner on your face for a quick hydration.