Posted in DIY Wax Melts

DIY Wax Melts

You are in the right place if you are looking for homemade wax melts or DIY wax melts! DIY wax melts are easy and fun to make. You can add a pleasant fragrance to your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or any other room in your home all year long. You can keep them in decorative countertop wax warmers or now even in all kinds of cute pluggable wax warmers.

diy wax melts

When you make your own wax melts, you can use a different scent for each room in the house. Then, you can change the fragrance of your DIY wax melts with the arrival of winter, spring, summer, or fall. You can easily change the color and the fragrance used in your DIY wax melts to fit the change in seasons.

Another advantage of DIY wax melts is that they can also be made with therapeutic essential oils instead of fragrance oil. Essential oils provide an array aroma therapy benefits that you can capture with different smelling DIY wax melts. So, you can use them to invigorate or relax your mood.

diy wax melts

There are currently five DIY wax melts. The recipe for each one of the DIY wax melts are provided below the general list of (1) ingredients, (2) equipment, (3) supplies, and (4) instructions for how to make the wax melt recipe.

(1) Ingredients:

These are DIY wax melts with coconut oil.

  • White Beeswax – The DIY wax melts are made with colors. So, you will need the white beeswax to get the expected colors provided.
  • Refined Coconut Oil – Since these are scented coconut oil wax melts, refined coconut oil is needed. Refined coconut oil has a neutral smell and therefore does not smell like coconut. With the smell of coconut missing, you can add any fragrance that you want to these DIY wax melts with coconut oil.
  • Mica Powder Colorant – I used natural mica powdered colorants that I already had to color the yellow, purple, and pastel bluish green DIY wax melts. After mixing, pouring, and drying, the color of the wax melts turned out beautifully! When placed in the warmer however, the color separates from the oil. Not a big deal – just an FYI.
  • Powdered Food Color – The red and orange DIY wax melts were made with some powdered food colorants that I had. After mixing, pouring, and drying, some of the wax melts turned splotchy. You could see where the color settled to the bottom of the mold which is ultimately the top of your DIY wax melts. Again, this is not really a big deal if you are making the DIY wax melts for your own personal use.
  • Crayons – I made the last two DIY wax melts with a green Crazy Arts crayon and a purple Crayola crayon to test the pigment in at least two popular brands. Neither are currently shown, but they both turned out gorgeous after drying and unmolding the wax. And, the color looks just as gorgeous in the wax warmer – no visual separation of the color from the wax! So, the Crazy Arts Crayons and the Crayola Crayons were the colorant winners! Both are made of wax and colored with special wax colorants. If using crayons to color your wax melt recipe, add 1 crayon per recipe shared below.
diy wax melts

(2) Equipment:

(3) Supplies:

You will likely have all the supplies needed for these DIY wax melts.

  • Measuring Cups – You can use plastic or metal measuring cups to measure out the wax and the oil needed to make these DIY wax melts.
  • Metal Measuring Spoons – Both essential oils and fragrance oils can break down the plastic on a set of plastic measuring spoons. Therefore, it is best to use metal measuring spoons.
  • Glass Measuring Cup W/Handle – The wax and oil will be very hot when it comes out of the microwave. Even with the handle, you will likely need an oven mitt to remove the melted wax from the microwave.
  • Small Rubber Mold – You can use any small-sized rubber mold. I used a cube-shaped one like this.
  • Metal Spoon – A regular eating spoon will work well to help prepare these DIY wax melts as long as the spoon is metal. Anything plastic may melt.

(4) Instructions:

No instructions are provided below each wax melt recipe.

  • Place the white beeswax and refined coconut oil in a glass measuring cup with a handle.
  • Microwave the mixture long enough to warm the coconut oil (about 20 seconds).
  • At this point you can add your colorant and stir well.
  • Continue placing the mixture in the microwave in 30 second increments. Stir in between each increment until the beeswax melts completely.
  • Then, add your fragrance oil or essential oil to your DIY wax melts.
  • Stir the wax mixture well and then pour it into your silicone mold.
  • Allow to cool.


DIY wax melts

Lemongrass Wax Melt Recipe

YIELDS: 6 Wax Melts

Lemongrass is one of my favorite essential oils! This uniquely scented oil has a distinct earthy grassy lemony smell. Once you smell the scent of an earthy lemongrass, you will never forget the wonderful aroma. These DIY wax melts will produce a powerful earthy clean smell that can fill the room and clean the air. The essential oil used for this lemongrass wax melt recipe can also be used to make the DIY Flower Soap.

Fragrance Ideas For This Color:


DIY Wax Melts

Lavender Wax Melt Recipe

YIELDS: 6 Wax Melts

Lavender is my favorite essential oil! This wonderful flowery smelling essential oil not only smells wonderful! It actually has properties that can make us feel pretty wonderful too! You can also make the DIY Lavender Soap and DIY Lotion Bar with the lavender essential oil used to make the lavender wax melt recipe. These DIY wax melts will produce a powerfully soothing aroma.

Fragrance Ideas For This Color:


Cold Water Wax Melt Recipe

YIELDS: 6 Wax Melts

The cold water or cool water DIY wax melts are made with a men’s fragrance oil. It has a very deep and fresh mountain clean smell that many people like. I really enjoy how it makes everything smell fresh.

Fragrance Ideas For This Color:


Pumpkin Pie Spice Wax Melt Recipe

YIELDS: 6 Wax Melts

Pumpkin spice is a traditional fall fragrance that many people like using in their DIY wax melts. It creates a very warm and inviting home smell at any time of year. It makes the house smell like you have pumpkin bread baking in the oven.

Fragrance Ideas For This Color:


DIY wax melts

Hot Apple Pie Wax Melt Recipe

YIELDS: 6 Wax Melts

This is another one of the popular fall DIY wax melts fragrances. This wax melt recipe makes the house smell like you have a hot apple pie in the oven.

Fragrance Ideas For This Color:


I hope you found a wax melt recipe that you like! Please like, share, and subscribe. What is your favorite fragrance to use in your DIY wax melts?