DIY Room Spray Recipes

The DIY room spray recipes smell wonderful! And what is more, they are super easy to make with all kinds of health benefits. While the health benefits vary depending on which DIY room spray recipe that you choose to create, the DIY room spray recipes with essential oil are all therapeutic in one way or another. So, enjoy making your own DIY room spray recipe! There are all sorts of reasons to make your own room spray recipes. There is a list created for you below.



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1. Freshen the Air

One of the most common reasons for using a DIY room spray recipe is to simply freshen the air! When a room smells good, it makes us feel better, if not good! It makes the room pleasantly inviting.

2. Destroy Germs

Most DIY room spray recipes with essential oil can destroy germs floating in the air. So, nowadays this is a second reason to keep your DIY room spray recipes ready to use. The

3. Improve Respiratory

In addition to destroying germs in the air, some of the DIY room spray recipes can improve the respiratory system. The rosemary mint DIY room spray and frankincense DIY room spray are both an excellent choice for this.

4. Reduce Stress & Anxiety

You can also use some of the DIY room spray recipes to reduce anxiety and stress. The lavender DIY room spray recipe can be very helpful in this regard.

5. Improve Mental Alertness

Some DIY room spray recipes with essential oils enhance thinking ability and increase mental alertness. The rosemary mint DIY room spray does a great job. The mint and rosemary both boost mental alertness.

6. Deter Pests

Even though this is not what they are designed to do, the DIY room spray recipes with essential oils are often pest deterrents as well. So, depending on the season, you can deter mosquitoes, moths, and Fievel from heading west in the winter.

7. Seasonal Aromatherapy

And lastly, some of the DIY room spray recipes can be used for your seasonal aromatherapy. Different aromas often mark the change in seasons. In the summer, we often enjoy the smell of fresh tropical fruits and berries. Then, in the spring months the floral DIY room spray recipes are very enjoyable. Meanwhile, the fall months are an excellent time for using the cinnamon and pumpkin spice room spray recipes. The winter months are usually when the mint, chocolate, and a vanilla DIY room spray recipes become popular. This is likely because they all can lift your mood thereby preventing the winter blues.

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