DIY Mouthwash

The DIY mouthwash recipes are very effective breath fresheners and germ killers. They contain active ingredients that can destroy bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities. The incredibly nice part is how easy the DIY mouthwash recipes are to prepare. So, if you are just trying to introduce yourself to self-sufficient living, homemade mouthwash is a good place to start. You can read ahead for general DIY mouthwash recipe information or just click on one of the homemade mouthwash recipes to get started making your own mouthwash.

homemade mouthwash

Simple Homemade Mouthwash Recipes


The only supplies you will need for the DIY mouthwash recipes is a clean container with screw cap. If you can get a 2.7-ounce bottle, you can simply add the ingredients and then fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. If using a different sized bottle, you will need measuring spoons.

diy mouthwash


The main ingredients used to make homemade mouthwash include (1) distilled water, (2) food grade essential oil, (3) xylitol sweetener, and (4) colorant.

1. Distilled Water

The distilled water is the main ingredient used to prepare the homemade mouth wash recipes. Using distilled water is important because it does not contain microbes or impurities. Faucet water contains microbes and impurities that the acid in your stomach can help destroy. But you do not want to make your mouthwash that will be sitting on the counter with faucet water.

2. Food Grade Essential Oil

Since the DIY mouthwash recipes will be going in your mouth, using food grade essential oil is recommended. Essential oils are wonderful gifts from nature! Therefore, they are used in all sorts of things. However, the essential oil quality is often based on the thing in which it will be used. Therefore, some essential oils may be blended with ingredients that you may not want to ingest.

3. Xylitol Sweetener

You can use the xylitol sweetener to sweeten the taste of your DIY mouthwash recipes. In addition to making your homemade mouthwash taste that much better and easy to use, this sweetener can also help prevent cavities. For this reason, it is commonly used in commercial dental products and things like the Epic Xylitol Chewing Gum.

4. Colorant

A little liquid food coloring goes a really long way in small container of distilled water. Therefore, just a touch of the liquid food coloring is needed to give your DIY mouthwash recipes a familiar color to go along with the flavor.

In Summary

You may also enjoy making and using the tooth powder recipes, oil pulling recipes, or mouthwash tablets. Please follow The Ruhmage on Pinterest and Instagram. This concludes the DIY mouthwash recipes