Posted in DIY Laundry, DIY Laundry Detergent

DIY Laundry Detergent That Works!

If you are looking for a DIY laundry detergent that works, you are in the right place! There are a number of ways that a DIY laundry detergent can be prepared. And the great part is that they actually work! I routinely use them to wash my laundry. This DIY laundry detergent is made with a grated bar of laundry soap. So, it is a type of powdered laundry detergent. The DIY laundry detergent without borax is another DIY laundry detergent that works! It is prepared with an incredible blend of laundry powders that leave your clothes clean and soft. So, it may be a really excellent choice for your more delicate, soft textured clothes. Nevertheless, it will clean your rough textured clothing just as well. So, let’s get to this homemade laundry detergent recipe.


This laundry powder recipe is prepared with baking soda, laundry soap, citric acid, washing soda, borax, and fragrance.

1. Baking Soda

Most people are familiar with the fact that baking soda is a great odor eliminator that we sometimes pop in the fridge to keep it smelling fresh. However, it is also a wonderful fabric softener all by itself. Then, when paired with laundry boosters like vinegar or citric acid, it becomes a foaming cleansing agent.

2. Laundry Soap

The soap used in this DIY laundry detergent is a bar of laundry soap. The pH of this soap is for washing your clothes, not the skin. So, you should wear gloves while grating the laundry soap to protect your hands. In my experience, the DIY laundry detergent recipes made with a bar of laundry soap does not create a bunch of bubbles that you would expect to see with a traditional laundry detergent powder, but it does indeed clean and freshen your clothes well. The DIY laundry detergent without borax creates much more lather.

3. Citric Acid

The citric acid is a popular laundry booster. Food grade citric acid is used in some food, candy, and drinks to give it a sour taste. In spite of the name, it is a safe acid to use that is very similar to vitamin c (ascorbic acid). When combined with the baking soda it helps to create the foaming action that can provide a deep cleaning for your clothes.

4. Washing Soda

The washing soda is often used by people with hard water. It helps to minimize or eliminate the soap residue that hard water can cause.

5. Borax

Borax is not a foaming agent, but it enhances the cleaning of your clothes. Therefore, it is another popular DIY laundry detergent booster. As a whitener, it is a good substitute for bleach. Unlike bleach, it does not make your colored clothes fade. As an odor neutralizer, it can combat the smell of ammonia in baby clothes. And, as a disinfectant, it can discourage the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold that is common in moist laundry or washing machines [0].

6. Fragrance

Adding a fragrance oil or essential oil is completely optional. Keep in mind that a fragrance oil and an essential oil are both oils. Another option is to use a scented laundry soap bar.

DIY laundry detergent that works

Laundry Detergent Recipe:


  1. Use a fine grater to grate the laundry soap bar(s).
  2. Then measure the needed amounts of each ingredient and then place the ingredients in a large enough container with a lid.
  3. Stir the dry ingredients well and it is ready to use.

In Summary

I hope you enjoy making a using this DIY laundry detergent. I have used it to wash clothes and sheets. So, I know this is another DIY laundry detergent that works!

Posted in DIY Laundry, DIY Laundry Detergent, Uncategorized

DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax

This DIY laundry detergent without borax is a is a deep cleaning homemade laundry detergent without borax. It is prepared with only 3 ingredients that makes a powerful little combination for a homemade laundry detergent without borax. This DIY laundry detergent without borax is both gentle on your clothes and an effective laundry detergent.

DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax


This DIY laundry detergent without borax is prepared with (1) baking soda, (2) SLSA, and (3) citric acid. A pleasant fragrance can also be added if you want your DIY laundry detergent to have a scent.

1. Baking Soda

This is the main ingredient used in this DIY laundry detergent without borax. Baking soda is a natural odor eliminator and a natural fabric softener. So, it can help your clothes come out clean, fresh, and soft.


The SLSA powder is the soapy agent. It is what will form the bubbles and visible cleaning action. It is the same ingredient used to make things like foaming bubble bath recipes and foaming bath bomb recipes. So, the SLSA can also be used to make an excellent DIY laundry detergent without borax. With that said, however, when in its concentrated state, SLSA should be handled with care using a mask, safety glasses, and a pair of gloves.

3. Citric Acid

Citric acid is used as a laundry booster. While just the baking soda and SLSA will create some bubbles for you to wash away some of the superficial dirt from your clothes, the citric acid takes it a step further. It can greatly enhance the foaming and cleaning action of the SLSA. In this way, your clothes receive a deep cleaning.

4. Fragrance

A fragrance oil can be added to your DIY laundry detergent without borax. Just keep in mind that a fragrance oil is an oil. Therefore, only a relatively small amount can be used. I have successfully used different essential oil and fragrance oil in the amount shared below to scent this DIY laundry detergent without borax. Once the fragrance oil has been added to the laundry detergent powder, I use a spoon to thoroughly mix each drop into the powder. So, there are no visible clumps of fragrance oil in the laundry detergent.

DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax

Homemade Laundry Detergent without Borax:


  1. Place the baking soda, SLSA, and citric acid in a clean dry storage container.
  2. With your safety gear on, gently stir the mixture endeavoring not to create a huge cloud of powder in the air. Another option is to cover the container with a secure fitting lid and then shake the container to mix the powders together. Afterwards, let the container sit for several minutes to let the dust settle before opening.
  3. Next, you can add the fragrance oil or essential oil of your choice to both scent the DIY laundry detergent and help reduce the powdery effect.


This DIY laundry detergent no borax recipe is simple, but effective. It is one of my favorite DIY laundry detergent powder recipes because it leaves the clothes smelling clean and feeling soft. So, I hope you like this DIY laundry detergent without borax recipe too.

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Posted in DIY Laundry, DIY Laundry Detergent

DIY Laundry Detergent Powder

DIY laundry detergent powder is a simple homemade recipe to make! This particular DIY laundry detergent powder is a basic laundry recipe that can be used to gently clean your clothes. If you want a deeper cleaning laundry detergent, you may prefer the DIY laundry detergent or the DIY laundry detergent without borax. Another simple way to create a laundry cleaning boost is to add distilled white vinegar to the wash load. When mixed with the laundry detergent powder, it will create a foaming action that can enhance the cleaning action of your clothes.

DIY Laundry Detergent Powder


This DIY laundry detergent powder is prepared with (1) washing soda, (2) baking soda, (3) borax, and (4) soap.

1. Washing Soda

Washing soda (soda ash) is a popular ingredient used to make DIY laundry detergent recipes as well as commercial laundry detergent products. If you have hard water, washing soda can help treat hard water. And what is more, adding washing soda can help to remove stains from your clothes. Washing soda is not to be confused with baking soda. You can use baking soda in your mouth to make things like tooth powder and mouth wash. On the other hand, washing soda is caustic and should be handled with gloves.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of those highly diverse ingredients that can be used in a variety of ways. Two reasons it is used in the DIY laundry detergent powder includes the fact that it can soften your clothes and naturally make them smell fresh! When adding vinegar, it also assists with making the foaming action that can really help clean clothes. Nevertheless, as mentioned, it is gentle enough to be used in tooth powders and mouth wash tablets.

3. Borax

Borax is another excellent stain remover and can be used instead of using bleach. Borax can make your whites whiter while having no effect on your colored clothes. Therefore, you can use it on dark clothes as well as white clothes because it does not fade your dark clothes.

4. Soap

The soap used to prepare this DIY laundry detergent powder is a bar of soap that has been formulated for washing laundry. This laundry soap bar is grated and used as the soap ingredient for this DIY laundry detergent powder. The Fels-Naptha, Zote, and Hispano are some of the popular laundry soap bars.

General Safety Precautions: Some ingredients used to make DIY laundry detergent powder are a little stronger than others. Therefore, it is recommended that you wear gloves and protective eye goggles when you are mixing the powder. Remember to store all of your ingredients in an area away from children and or pets.

DIY Laundry Detergent Powder Recipe

The DIY laundry detergent powder recipe can be used for normal fabrics that are not heavily soiled.

Instructions: Start by grating the laundry bar with a cheese grater or vegetable grater. Then place all of the needed ingredients in a container with a secure lid. Cover the container with the secure lid and gently mix the ingredients well.

Use: 1/4 cup for relatively small loads; 1/2 cup for relatively large loads*


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