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DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax

This DIY laundry detergent without borax is a is a deep cleaning homemade laundry detergent without borax. It is prepared with only 3 ingredients that makes a powerful little combination for a homemade laundry detergent without borax. This DIY laundry detergent without borax is both gentle on your clothes and an effective laundry detergent.

DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax


This DIY laundry detergent without borax is prepared with (1) baking soda, (2) SLSA, and (3) citric acid. A pleasant fragrance can also be added if you want your DIY laundry detergent to have a scent.

1. Baking Soda

This is the main ingredient used in this DIY laundry detergent without borax. Baking soda is a natural odor eliminator and a natural fabric softener. So, it can help your clothes come out clean, fresh, and soft.


The SLSA powder is the soapy agent. It is what will form the bubbles and visible cleaning action. It is the same ingredient used to make things like foaming bubble bath recipes and foaming bath bomb recipes. So, the SLSA can also be used to make an excellent DIY laundry detergent without borax. With that said, however, when in its concentrated state, SLSA should be handled with care using a mask, safety glasses, and a pair of gloves.

3. Citric Acid

Citric acid is used as a laundry booster. While just the baking soda and SLSA will create some bubbles for you to wash away some of the superficial dirt from your clothes, the citric acid takes it a step further. It can greatly enhance the foaming and cleaning action of the SLSA. In this way, your clothes receive a deep cleaning.

4. Fragrance

A fragrance oil can be added to your DIY laundry detergent without borax. Just keep in mind that a fragrance oil is an oil. Therefore, only a relatively small amount can be used. I have successfully used different essential oil and fragrance oil in the amount shared below to scent this DIY laundry detergent without borax. Once the fragrance oil has been added to the laundry detergent powder, I use a spoon to thoroughly mix each drop into the powder. So, there are no visible clumps of fragrance oil in the laundry detergent.

DIY Laundry Detergent Without Borax

Homemade Laundry Detergent without Borax:


  1. Place the baking soda, SLSA, and citric acid in a clean dry storage container.
  2. With your safety gear on, gently stir the mixture endeavoring not to create a huge cloud of powder in the air. Another option is to cover the container with a secure fitting lid and then shake the container to mix the powders together. Afterwards, let the container sit for several minutes to let the dust settle before opening.
  3. Next, you can add the fragrance oil or essential oil of your choice to both scent the DIY laundry detergent and help reduce the powdery effect.


This DIY laundry detergent no borax recipe is simple, but effective. It is one of my favorite DIY laundry detergent powder recipes because it leaves the clothes smelling clean and feeling soft. So, I hope you like this DIY laundry detergent without borax recipe too.

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